- 管理股东激进分子的攻击
- 处理监管相关议题
- 管理产品抹黑指控
- 重组亚洲业务及大规模裁员
- 与员工欺诈、被拘捕和歧视指控相关的声誉管理
- 在中国的重大交易失败
- 围绕关闭店铺的品牌声誉维护
- 工厂大火和相关的伤亡
- 腐败调查和被拘捕相关事件
- 诉讼传讯
- 围绕数据盗窃和客户数据隐私的事件
- 为超高净值人士处理敏感的个人问题
- 围绕公司和股东重大交易的事件管理
- 环境相关议题
Artemis is hands down the best public relations company I have ever worked with, the level of conscientiousness, intellectual resourcefulness and all around ingenuity is outstanding.
Joanne Ooi - Veteran Global Marketer
We threw a number of challenges at Artemis, who were able to navigate through these, and demonstrate superb issues management capability.
Bang Trinh - Chief Financial Officer, Techcombank (TCB)
Artemis consistently exceeded our expectations and they were able to articulate our Company’s complex story into something that was very presentable and concise.
黎汝杰 -